
About MDA 2023

Why Attend
The Conference


    Meet the Experts!

    The speakers are well-known in their fields for their work, case studies, and other areas of expertise.


    Networking with us!

    Don’t miss the opportunity to network with the legends in the Malaysian dietitians’ circle.


    Watch our Video-on-demand!

    Eligible to access the videos whenever and wherever you want for up to 3 months after the conference!


    A place to shine!

    Don't miss the chance to showcase your work and connect with a global community of experts in your field by submitting your research paper today.


Important Dates

A great chance to network with fellow dietitians, learn from industry experts and stay up-to-date on the latest trends and advancements in the field. With a wide range of informative sessions, interactive workshops, and engaging discussions, you are guaranteed to leave with a wealth of new knowledge and ideas!